Buy Coffee. Help Houston.

Last weekend I was gone. I’m back and refreshed! Full Espresso Bar will be available tomorrow. This season’s favorite has been the sweetened, iced latte. I will be making those and hot ones; using my brand new Tanzania Tarmie Town also available here:!
Lincoln Illinois Coffeeshop
Lincoln Illinois Microroaster
Lincoln Illinois Lattes
This month, I am supporting the Pregnancy Resource Center in Lincoln. PRC offers free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds and more!
During the month of July, I am partnering with His Hands Outreach by donating 20% of my profits to this great charity.
They offer free homework help for grades K-5th, free fresh produce, résumé help, job searching, and more.
Go to: to learn more.
Like last year, I will be partnering with local organizations by donating 20% of my profits to expand their cause. This month I have decided to support Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC). Nearly two years ago our little family was blessed by RMHC when our daughter, Sadie, was born. We spent many nights in one of their Chicago houses. We will always remember their generosity.
Do you love coffee or know someone that does? Are they constantly opening up their Yelp app to find the closest “third-wave” coffee shop? Give them these premium essentials to make great coffee at home. Here’s what it boils down to.
Continue reading “Home Barista Christmas List”
During the month of October, I am partnering with Quest by donating 20% of my profits to this great ministry.
Quest exists to introduce at risk, unchurched, students to Jesus and kick start their journey with Him to become His Kingdom Workers and valued members of His Church. Quest meets during the school year on Thursday nights at Lincoln Christian Church in Lincoln, IL.
Go to: to learn more.
During the month of September, I am partnering with His Hands Outreach by donating 20% of my profits to this great charity.
They offer free homework help for grades K-5th, free fresh produce, résumé help, job searching, and more.
Go to: to learn more.
During the month of August, I am partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Logan County by donating 20% of my profits to this great charity. They exist to to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness. Nearly 24% of our world’s population, including 10 million Americans, lack adequate housing.
Habitat for Humanity of Logan County was founded in 1992 and the ground breaking for the first Logan County Habitat home took place on September 19, 1993. Since then eighteen homes have been built or rehabbed in Logan County, Illinois. Go to: to learn more.
A dark roasted coffee isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some people honestly prefer it. But, here’s why I don’t roast past “medium” or “City Roast”. If you go too dark on the bean, you lose those wonderful natural flavor profiles that differentiate them from non-specialty coffee. Consumers have become accustomed to “dark roasts” because the industry has been “pumping out” low quality beans that have been roasted to near charcoal to give them a taste that is consistent and easy to replicate.
I strive to find high quality beans. Beans you can’t find at the grocery store or even at local coffee shops.