Tanzania Tarime Town AA


Tarime is a the capital town of a unique coffee growing area in Tanzania’s North Mara district. What makes it unique is the distance from other well-known coffee areas around Mt. Kilimanjaro, as well as the Southern areas of Mbinga and Mbeya. Tarime is between the Maasai Mara National Reserve and Lake Victoria. Tarime has a handicap because it is over 1200 km by road to the port at Dar Es Salaam, making for high transport costs over hot, dusty roads. But more remarkable than location is how clean and fresh this coffee tastes: with all the logistics challenges to ship coffee from Dar in general, and Tarime in particular, this is a brilliant arrival!

This coffee is a Farm Gate coffee.

Cupping Notes: Light brown sugar, bittering cocoa, dark grape, green apple, tea