Why I don’t roast dark coffee.

A dark roasted coffee isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Some people honestly prefer it. But, here’s why I don’t roast past “medium” or “City Roast”. If you go too dark on the bean, you lose those wonderful natural flavor profiles that differentiate them from non-specialty coffee. Consumers have become accustomed to “dark roasts” because the industry has been “pumping out” low quality beans that have been roasted to near charcoal to give them a taste that is consistent and easy to replicate.
I strive to find high quality beans. Beans you can’t find at the grocery store or even at local coffee shops.
I strive to find high quality beans. Beans you can’t find at the grocery store or even at local coffee shops. My beans are always single origin. So, if you’re used to dark roasts, I’d recommend maybe adding an additional scoop or two of my coffee to make it a little stronger if that’s what you prefer.
Did you know?
Espresso isn’t a type of roast. Like above, consumers are used to equating “dark roasts” with espresso, when in reality you can use any coffee as long as it is ground correctly and it’s fresh.